Online personal training for equestrians

Improve Your Fitness and Transform Your Riding!

Receive an equestrian-specific and personalized training program for at home or the gym each month along with weekly check-ins and direct support from me.

Imagine if you could...

These results are 100% possible for you too! 

With just a few targeted workouts per week, you can transform your fitness and the way you show up for your horse. By working on yourself you are investing in the partnership you cherish so much as well as in the future experiences and goals you have with your horse. 


If you want to ride with more confidence and ease and take care of yourself as well as the well-being of your horse, then sign up for my Personal Training Program and let’s get started on that journey today!

My Story

Through many years as an on-and-off rider I experienced again and again how challenging and sometimes plain painful it was to get back into the saddle. No matter how fit I thought I was there was always ‘something missing’. I wasn’t as balanced as I used to be, or as able to shift my seat or use my aids in the same way as before. I might have been ‘gym fit’ (well, sometimes not even that..) but I was certainly not rider fit.


That’s when I realized, doing only ‘regular exercise’ wouldn’t bring me the results I wanted. Just like other athletes and sports enthusiasts, I needed to shift my exercise to support my goals in riding. And that’s exactly what I did.


By focusing more on the key muscles and fitness elements I needed to truly find my center, seat and posture, I was able to get back on the horse and pick up from where I left off without having to go through the frustration of feeling like my body wasn’t playing on the same team as me.


I knew that rider fitness was something a lot of other equestrians at all levels also struggled with and so I decided to share my process.

Getting started with a fitness routine can be overwhelming. And knowing what to focus on as an equestrian is even harder. There is so much noise, so many opinions and so many different practices to choose from. Knowing what’s right for you, committing to something and actually sticking to it is HARD, and that’s why so many give up. 

That’s where my Online Personal Training service comes in.

After the onboarding where you’ll share your goals and workout preferences with me, you will receive an equestrian-focused and personalized workout plan that will help you build the stamina, strength and flexibility YOU need to achieve your goals and ride with more confidence and ease.

A lady riding on her horse in a sand filled area.

Here's what you get:

A complete training & support system tailored to you

Feel fully confident that the time you spend exercising will bring you closer to your riding goals 

Effective onboarding process

We dive into your goals, current health, lifestyle and training preferences to adapt the program to exactly what YOU need.

Workouts that fit seamlessly into your busy schedule

We adapt the length, intensity and location of the workouts to your lifestyle and schedule.

Everything delivered straight to your phone

All programs are delivered in an easy-to-use app so you can access your workouts anytime, anywhere.

Regular check-ins and support

I regularly check in with you for accountability and motivation and answer any questions you have through the in-app messaging system.

But that's not all! 

When you train with me you’ll get exclusive access to the Horse Learner Fitness Workout Club for FREE! On the inside is an extensive vault of follow-along workout and stretching videos targeting rider-specific issues, such as posture, seat stability and rider flexibility. The perfect supplement to your personalized program!


‘I’m so glad I found your workouts! My horse has been on box rest for this winter, and before I got him, my lease horse was lame last winter as well. I’m a ‘mature’ rider so my position really suffers during breaks. After doing the glutes and core workout 5 days a week for 2 weeks, my riding has improved more than it has in a year. Thank you so much and keep up the fantastic work!



As an equestrian, I believe fitness is important, but it’s not easily attained. This program, with its short, but effective workouts, can be a great tool for starting to build that up. First of all, it’s for equestrians, designed to work the muscles that an equestrian needs to work. Also, strengthening is not all that’s focused on, mobility is as well, which is also important. I believe I get more out of my riding lessons, and am a more effective rider, when I’m fitter. This program is a great way to either jump into that fitness journey or continue it.


I really enjoyed the program! The fact that it was short sessions made it possible to implement the workout in a busy schedule. There is so much we, as riders, don`t think about, we tend to just focus on the horse, and forget ourselves, when very often WE are the problem.

Get started in 3 easy steps...

1. Onboarding Assessment

Before we start, we’ll take stock of where you are now, where you want to go and what you want your fitness journey to look like.

2. Tailored Program

Every month you receive a new personalized workout program adapted to your needs and goals, all delivered in an in an easy-to-use mobile app. 

3. Ongoing Support

With the in-app messaging tool you can provide feedback on the program and communicate with me  at any time. I’ll also check in with you for motivation and accountability!

Want to feel fully supported and uplevel your riding?


Is the program for total beginners or people who already have a fitness routine?

All fitness levels are welcome here and I will adapt your program will to where you are right now and the goals that you have. 

Do I need workout equipment to work with you?

No you don’t! We will create your program based on your goals and what you currently have available. Over time, as you progress in your strength and fitness journey, some equipment might be useful, but I will never ask you to invest in any crazy expensive equipment. 

What if I get injured or sick and can't train?

If you sustain an injury it is usually possible to continue training with an adapted program, which I’m happy to provide as long as a medical professional has given you the green light to exercise. 


If you get ill and are unable to train for 3 weeks or more, you can contact me directly and we’ll find a solution we’re both happy with!  

How is this program different from other fitness programs out there?

This is an ongoing online personal training subscription where you get a tailor-made program each month that is designed to help you ride better. The programs and support you receive is from a fellow equestrian and certified personal trainer who understands the challenges and needs most equestrians face.  

Will I need to work out a a gym?

That’s entirely up to you! In the onboarding process you will let me know where you prefer to workout and I will adapt your program to that. You can work out at home, at the gym or a combination! 

What is your cancellation policy?

This is a monthly subscription service that you can cancel at any time with a 30-day notice period.

It’s time to take your training seriously too! 

Join today and take your riding to the next level

Not sure yet? At least get a taste of the HLF experience!

Join the FREE 7 Day Core Activation Challenge

Receive daily 5-minute on-demand video trainings straight to your inbox to help you start building a strong ‘equestrian core’. 

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